The Different Facets of European Cuisine

the-different-facets-of-european-cuisineAs any provider of catering service in Sunnyvale, California would agree, there is no one distinctive trait or characteristic that defines what European cuisine is. It is composed of many types of cuisine from all across Europe and other continents as well.

In this blog, we will give you a brief overview of the basic subdivisions of European cuisine.

  • Cuisine of Northern Europe
    Northern European cuisines are characterized by dishes that are robust and often rich in fat. Soups and stews are popular to fight the cold. The smoking of meat and fish is also a common practice.
  • Cuisine of Southern Europe
    Olive oil, spices, and aromatic herbs are extensively used in many Southern European cuisines. Many kinds of vegetables are consumed both cooked and raw.
  • Cuisine of Western Europe
    Western European dishes come in different varieties. Many countries in Western Europe incorporate Nordic, Saxon, or Mediterranean cuisine into their dishes, depending on their geographical location.
  • Cuisine of Eastern Europe
    Eastern European cuisines are rich in different kinds of food, which include fish, meat, cheese, vegetables, herbs, and spices. They are known for drying, marinating, smoking, and conserving food in spirit to create unique dishes.

Haute Cuisine offers catering in Bay Area, California. We specialize in the different facets of European cuisine.

We also offer corporate catering for any event or occasion. Give us a call today!

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